Wednesday 25 May 2011

Importance of Bookmarking in Search Engine Optimization

Bookmarking is that Way which is increas the backlinks of a wesite, that links become that site a high weight website, now when crawler crawl the site, that found high weightes site. webmasters use this technique to get higher ranks in search engines results. The main objective of social bookmarking a website is to reach out to a global audience. By sharing your site within the domain of internet, you can actually increase the possibility of more and more visitors. The basic idea of social bookmarking with regards to SEO is same as to the concept of adding a site to a web browser. It is a platform where we can publish, categorize as well as share your bookmarks with other internet users. Bookmarking more effective technique in seo services.

SEO service experts use this technique to hit traffic on the website. There are various social networking sites that provide ideal platforms for web postings. SEO Experts bookmark a website at each of these social bookmarking sites with all possible keywords that are relevant to the site and its contents. This social bookmarking technique undoubtedly increase more traffic and in tern the website gets higher ranks in search engines.

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