Friday 20 May 2011

Search Engine Marketing helps site owners to meet their various online marketing

There is  Many  to Search Engine Optimization than just marketing, as companies can run many business benefits by  using SEO.
Cost-effective Customer Acquisition
There is no payment to the search engines for being indexed. This is important for high volume, low intent phrases which can be expensive in paid-search (eg ‘car insurance’).

It can also be useful for generating visitors on the long tail of search. Many companies bid on these phrases through paid-search, so giving opportunities for those who use an SEO Strategy for the

•       Fixed spend money

Cost per click from SEO declines through time after initial optimization costs and lower ongoing optimization costs. Conversely, paid-search is essentially a variable cost.
• Brand Visibility Everywhere
The cost of SEO is relatively fixed, independent of click volume. Effectively, the c
Think that search on ‘car insurance’. The big insurance company are all desperate to make it onto the first page of search engine. The ones that did not make it either need to buy PPC ads to be seen, which is very costly  for such a competitive search query.
• Focus on Web Standards / Access Everyone
Designing a website for search is an exercise in designing a best practice website. Search engine crawlers notice errors in your code, so valid code is a must for SEO. And that makes for a healthier, more accessible website. Accessible for Google’s crawlers, and for people.

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